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Westchester County Bus Accident Lawyers

Taking a bus or another form of public transportation may be a part of your routine as a resident of Westchester County. Thousands of passengers ride in Yonkers and New Rochelle daily without ever anticipating a bus accident. However, negligent bus drivers and bus companies can add risks to public transportation. If you or a loved one has injuries from a bus accident in the Westchester County area, do not hesitate to contact top bus accident lawyers at Fiedler Deutsch, LLP for a free legal consultation. We are available for you 24 hours a day.

Why Hire Our Westchester County Bus Accident Lawyers?

What Do Bus Accident Lawyers Do?

Public transport accident claims usually involve a government entity as the defendant. If you need to go up against the government during a bus accident injury claim in New York, hire a lawyer for assistance. The county or state will have plenty of resources to spend on fighting your claim, and Fiedler Deutsch, LLP will even the playing field for a better chance of success. You can concentrate on recovering from your injuries while we take care of your injury claim in Westchester County for you and fight for maximum compensation.

What Can You Do?

After an accident and injury on public transportation in Westchester County, immediately start collecting evidence. While still on the bus or at the scene of the accident, take photographs and write down the names of everyone else in the crash. These people may serve as eyewitnesses during your injury claim later. Go to a hospital in New York for prompt treatment. Then, contact Fiedler Deutsch, LLP to request a free consultation with a bus accident lawyer. We can help and support you during the rest of the claims process.

About Public Transportation Services and Our Services in Westchester County

The Yonkers/Westchester County area offers many public ways to get around town. Bus and train lines have thousands of stops in the area. Unfortunately, public transportation can have risks that ultimately lead to accidents and injuries for passengers, such as poorly maintained buses or negligent drivers. At Fiedler Deutsch, LLP, our bus accident attorneys can handle public transportation claims against any public bus service or transportation administration. We also handle bus accident claims against private companies, schools and the government. Some examples include:

An injury claim after a bus accident in New York typically takes the form of a first-party claim. This is due to New York’s no-fault insurance system. This system holds each injured party responsible for his or her own injuries, regardless of fault for the accident. After a bus accident in Yonkers, you may only have the right to file a claim for benefits with your own insurer. If, however, you have serious injuries, New York law may allow you to file a third-party claim against the bus company or another party instead. This is where we come in, and help you with the process.

Contact Our Westchester County Bus Accident Lawyers

At Fiedler Deutsch, LLP, we can determine the cause of your bus accident, identify the correct defendant (including the government) and help you fight for fair compensation for your losses. We have the personnel, resources, technologies and relationships with experts you need for a strong claim to damages. You do not have to handle your case alone after a bus accident in Westchester County, New York. Contact our local bus accident lawyers right away for a free consultation at (914) 993-0393.