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Dutchess County Medical Malpractice Lawyer

Medical malpractice is something no patient should have to think about when seeking medical care. Unfortunately, health care providers in Dutchess County do not always meet the accepted standards of care for the medical industry. Negligence by health care providers, such as medication errors or misdiagnoses, can jeopardize a patient’s health and lead to life-threatening injuries. If you or a loved one has injuries from medical negligence, contact our lawyers at Fiedler Deutsch, LLP. We are here for you, and offer free consultations in Beacon and Poughkeepsie, New York.

What Makes Us Unique?

What Is Medical Malpractice?

A medical malpractice claim is a lawsuit you can bring if a health care professional or hospital wronged you, leading to a personal injury or illness. You may be the victim of medical malpractice if a health care provider in Beacon or Poughkeepsie owed you a duty of care through the patient-doctor relationship, breached this duty of care in a way that a reasonable doctor would not have, and caused your injuries. It will be up to you or your medical malpractice lawyer to establish the elements of your case through a preponderance of the evidence, or enough evidence to show that the doctor is more likely than not responsible for your injuries.

Statutes of Limitations on Medical Malpractice Claims in New York

The statute of limitations is a deadline that gives a final date by which you must file your medical malpractice lawsuit, or else forfeit the right to recover compensation. If you try to bring an action after your statute of limitations has expired, a court in Dutchess County will most likely refuse to hear your case and you will be left with no legal recourse. In New York, you have two and a half years to file a lawsuit after the medical malpractice occurred, or two and half years from the last time you treated with the particular physician. Speak to a malpractice lawyer as soon as possible to make sure you do not miss your deadline.

Do You Need to Hire an Attorney?

It is important to work with an attorney during a medical malpractice claim in New York, as these are some of the most complicated personal injury cases. Handling your claim alone could lead to common mistakes such as missing your filing deadline or accepting a lowball settlement offer. At Fiedler Deutsch LLP, our attorneys can help you by taking care of difficult tasks such as identifying the defendant, hiring the most well credentialed and respected medical experts, demanding maximum compensation and negotiating your settlement. If an insurance company refuses to offer a fair settlement, we are prepared to take your medical malpractice action to trial instead.

Call Fiedler Deutsch, LLP for a Free Consultation in Beacon or Poughkeepsie, NY

Medical malpractice can take many different forms, but all are dangerous to patients. At Fiedler Deutsch, LLP, we represent injured patients and families throughout New York, and are passionate about holding careless and irresponsible health care providers accountable for their actions. Contact our local lawyers in Beacon or Poughkeepsie, New York for a free initial consultation. Call (914) 993 – 0393.